Storage Living: A Sims 4 Challenge

You are a young adult sim with two young children who is on the run and hiding from an abusive spouse. First you seek refuge with an elder relative who quickly dies willing you his/her storage business. Their home is returned to the bank and you and your children must live undetected at the storage business until the challenge is complete. 

To avoid being reported to Child Protective Service, you must follow these rules:
1) Parent may not work.
2) Children cannot miss school or be taken away.
3) Ex cannot enter into the business beyond the rental office.
4) Friends and Neighbors cannot enter into the business beyond the rental office.
5) Bills must be paid and the Headstone or Urn must stay on the property (out of respect; of course)

To complete the challenge
Unlock all of the storage units before you can sell the business and afford a real home without being reported to Child Protective Service by the nosy neighbors or the abusive ex. 

This Quick and Easy Challenge combiness gameplay and building. Some set up is required for ease of play. 

Build:  To begin download or create a storage rental "business" that will be a residential lot type. Include at least 10 rental units and a small rental office.  Surround the rental units with a fence.  In each unit, place a skill building item  or two for the adult and some reward items for each child as well. Fill the rest of the units/rooms/rentals as you wish.
I chose a lot of Debug crates and boxes and decorative items like clothing and storage racks, etc. Use move objects and size up/down cheats to layer skill and reward items under boxes so they cannot easily be seen and your sim won't know what is in each unit. Or download a storage business from the gallery. 

CAS:  Create your family to include 5 Sims. Two parents, a child, a toddler, and an elder. One parent should have negative/bad traits and the other has positive/good traits.

Gameplay Set-up/Scene 1: Move the family into a decent upper middle class home (belonging to the elder) and fill it with everything your family needs. 2.) Create a bad relationship between the parents and a good relationship between the elder sim and your good parent. 3.) Kick out the bad parent and kill the elder but keep the urn. 

Scene 2: Move In Sell the home and keep furnishings. Then use the freerealestate cheat to move remaining 3 Sims into the storage business and randomly sort the furnishings from the household inventory between the units/rooms to be unlocked/accessed as you complete the challenge.  This is how you know your Sims will eventually unlock everything they need. Be sure you start out with what toddler needs right away. 

Bills: Determine the rental fee for each unit  and use money cheats to pay the family according to how many units are full/rented. This is how you will afford the rent on such a "well furnished" home. The bills will depend on how and where you build as well as the furnishings in the units so it's really up to players how difficult this aspect should be. 

Gameplay Challenge (Scene 3)
Begin: Lucky for the family one unit has been abandoned by the renters and is ready to be cleaned out. All items can be kept or sold to pay the bills. The family can take shelter at the business and hopefully avoid being reported to Child Protective Services (CPS). 
Step 2: Max a skill to unlock another/each room/unit. The items inside can be sold or kept and your family now has an additional room. 
Each sim can max skills and unlock a room
Step 3: Once all units have been cleaned out and you have not been detected/reported. You can sell the business and hire an excellent attorney. Congratulations! your sim wins custody and you can move out and purchase a real home and live happily ever after. However, if your sims are discovered living in the storage facility, they will be reported to CPS and the good sim loses custody to the abusive ex
