25+ Kids: A Sims 4 Baby Daddy Challenge

You're an extremely romantic young man who wants to have 25+ children. You've got commitment issues but desire to be a "Good Dad"  to all of your children. 

To complete this challenge, Have 25 children with whom you have Good Friend Status, Reach the top of your chosen career, and fulfill the Super Parent Aspiration. 

To be a Good Dad you must follow these rules. 
1.) Provide financially for all of the children. Use free real estate cheat to buy a home for each baby momma and her children. Quick play each home to make sure the children have everything they need for each life phase. Alternatively, you could use bb.enablefreebuild to "provide for your children" when you visit.
2.) Visit each newborn baby and become friends before aging them to toddler. 
3.) Spend time with your toddlers and become good friends before aging them up by throwing a birthday party. 
4.) Create a club for your kids and teens to meet regularly and maintain high level relationships. 
5.) Reach the top of your career but live a simple lifestyle to afford the imaginary child support.
6.) Do not move children into your home unless their mother dies unexpectedly. 
7.) Achieve Super Parent Aspiration.

Before you begin, Create or download from the gallery potential Baby Mommas and move them into your world. Determine how many babies you will have with each Momma and if you will maintain relationships with the moms or not.
